Sunday, August 5, 2018

Is it a Partnership or a Suppliership?

I constantly run into managers who believe their way is the right way and while it could very well be the right way, all I’m saying is: do the quarterback. Take a few steps back, widen the angle and observe to make sure that indeed your way is the right way for everyone…INCLUDING your customers.

Many organizations, usually those that have been out there for a while, get complaisant and become more of a supplier than a partner, and then get surprised their customers start looking elsewhere.

A few months ago I called a travel agent to book an international trip. She was so professional, so correct and so freaking impatient!! Since this was a trip that I was invited to and the hosts paid for it, I was forced to work with this agency so I bit my lip and moved on. 
Just recently, through work, I met the owner of that agency and was asked to meet at their offices. Walking in you could feel the unhappiness in the air. One-on-one, the owner told me how he is not sure why after so long (almost 30 years!!!) he is losing business. 
I asked 2 questions: 
1. Are you happy coming to work in the morning? 
And 2. How do you see your customers? 
The answer to 1 was “ehh…not so much anymore. I am tired fighting the battle” and to 2 he said: ”our customers have always said we are their best supplier”.
Image result for partnership
You see, if you accept yourself as a supplier this is how your customers will see you as well and a business like travel agency, where you interact personally with the customer on a regular basis you simply cannot afford being a supplier. Aim to be a true partner. Otherwise you get into a constant battle that will eventually wear you out and get you….well...tired of the battle!

DO the quarterback! Do it now! And answer the question – is it a partnership or a suppliership?

Oh, and make sure you come happy to work!

I know I do!!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Emotional Relevance

Many of you asked me about Emotional Relevance since I mentioned it in a recent post.

When it comes to establishing a memorable experience it simply has to be relevant to the person you are serving (aka...your customer). 

Relevant with the right information on a personal level, at the right time, the right timing as well as situational. 
If I am offering you a great deal for a hotel in San Francisco when you are going to Chicago....wrong on a situational level. 
If I offer you that hotel deal in Chicago for June 10th when you are traveling May 23rd....wrong time (different than timing). 
If this same great offer comes to you for the right dates but an hour after you already checked in to a hotel...wrong again - that's right, wrong timing. And lastly, if I send the offer to John but address it generically to "Dear Traveler" or better yet..."Dear Jim" I missed you all together. You see, with the level of experience folks like Amazon and Uber take us through, we as customers, as people, simply expect the same level. These folks set up the bar when it comes to the experience and anything less than that is simply disappointing. Which will turn in our customer experience minds into a negative experience.

So make sure, whatever technology, whatever data you utilize, to include these elements and by that not only take your customer through a positive experience but also enhance the trust of your customer in you and....heck...sell more. 

So where is the emotional part you may ask....?
Image result for emotional relevance
Well...say you travel for work, you land in whatever city which is NOT your home town. Yes, you've been there before but still....

Just landed, still taxiing, turning your phone on while your "old brain" (back of your mind) is concerned with how to get to the baggage claim, which terminal you landed in (for Uber sake) and how you already want to get out of this place you don't really know very well...

Sounds familiar???

So your turn your phone off and just at that second you get a text saying: 
"Welcome to Chicago O'Hare John. You just arrived into terminal 2, Gate E14 and your bag will be at carousel 5"

The psychological "Welcoming" that makes you FEEL you are not alone on top of the personal, relevant information at the right time and timing is what makes it all emotional. 

One simple sentence backed by the right technology and data can go a long way.

This is the power of TL Connect offered by Travel Leaders Corporate to our customers as an embedded part of our service experience. Yes, it alerts on delays, cancellations as well as let's the traveler chat with our agents 24/7!

Rumor has it that some of our travelers have been seen hugging their phones upon landing at different cities around the visual proof yet.....;-)