See, it really is what you make it.
Yes, it’s hard, it
requires some soul searching and facing some hard truth but I say it is a must
process. To find out the answer to this question and realize what would you
want to be for your customers; a partner or a supplier.
There is a saying in Yidish that says the fish stinks from
its head. So whether we take it AZ it is (like the plug in? ...;-)...) or metaphorically it means that the
head or heads of the organization are the ones everyone else follow. The way
they act, react, the way they move and shake is how the DNA of the corporation
will be determined. Just like parenthood, our kids look at us and follow our
behavior. If the boss is constantly impatience, itchy and short, this is
exactly how his/her employees will behave as well and vise verse if management
is positive, providing and accommodating - the employees will follow.
I will try not to take sides on which approach is better and
for which kind of organization and will simply make the point that you should
purposefully and thoughtfully choose whatever approach you want to “teach” your
employees for merely the impact upon the customers.
One of the major caveats when not controlling the attitude
of your company/team/department etc. is that later when you realize the
situation, changing it is a bitch. SO just like the Fish Philosophy (not the
Yidish fish) – Choose your attitude!
I run all the time into managers who believe their way is
the right way and while it could very well be the right way, all I’m saying is:
do the quarterback. Take a few steps
back and observe to make sure that indeed your way is the right way for
everyone…INCLUDING your customers.
Many organizations, usually those that have been out there
for a while get complaisant and become more of a supplier than a partner and
then get surprised their customers start looking elsewhere.
A few months ago I called a travel agent to book an
international trip. She was so professional, so correct, so freaking
impatient!! Since this was a trip that I was invited to and the hosts paid for
it I was forced to work with this agency so I bit my lip and moved on. Just
recently, through work, I met the owner of that agency and asked to meet at
their offices. Walking in you could feel the unhappiness in the air. One-on-one
the owner told me how he is not sure why after so long (almost 30 years!!!) he
is losing business. I asked 2 questions: 1. Are you happy coming to work in the
morning? And 2 - How do you see your customers? The answer to 1 was “ehh…not so
much anymore. I am tired fighting the battle” ad to 2 he said: ”our customers
have always said we are their best supplier”.
You see, if you accept yourself as a supplier this is how
your customers will see you as well! and a business like travel agency, where
you interact personally with the customer on a regular basis you simply cannot
afford being a supplier but rather strive to be a true partner. Otherwise you
get into a constant battle that will eventually wear you out and get
DO the quarterback! Do it now! And answer the question – is
it a partnership or a suppliership?
Oh, and make sure you come happy to work!
I know I do!!
Have you ever read "Who Moved My Cheese?" Good book about attitude. As well "Fish, the book" Another great read!
ReplyDeleteThank you Cheryl! Yes, and a big fan of The Fish. This is where I learned to Choose My Attitude!