It seems that perception about technology has changed quite
a bit.
We trust technology much more. We are much more forgiving and accept
that it will not perform 100% as advertised.
Perhaps a combination of a generation who grew
up into technology, an older generation who is by definition a technophobe
slowly disappearing and - mostly working day-to-day technologies got us to
where we are.
I think that years of Dr. Watsons, weekly (and sometimes
daily) reboots combined with cheaper technologies helped us simply accept a
slightly above par performing products.
The methods of developments have changed as well and surely
added to this outcome. With SCRUM and AGILE dictating sloppy results due to
rushing and an option to fix on the next week it is only natural
that we have learned to settle.
We used to really get upset when a call dropped in the
middle of a conversation and try hard to figure out what caused it. Today we
simply call back and continue the conversation. There were days were there was
no way I would download a file larger than 1.5MB and run through an install
wizard and today we update our iTunes with a 65MB files every freakin’ 3 hours
and whatever we download we breeze through the wizard like we really know what
we’re doing. We have gotten to an era in which we are between “I just don’t
care anymore” and “I’m simply lazy” and let anyone remote access our computer.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying it is a bad thing
but merely saying it AZ is.
If this is the situation, and we all trust the technology
and hence technology providers (whether consciously or not) know what?
What does set one technology provider apart from its competition?
When you made
it to the short list of the bid you most likely have some record and a working
product. But if they have this feature and you have that feature and conceptually
the customer is willing to accept either bidders, what is next on our race to do things
better and different?
My answer dear readers, is in not in the technology!
My strong belief
is that it is the service and the relationship. It is going back to basics - we
are all human and we react to a level of service that WOWs us. We as people
need that trust, knowing that my vendor is there for me. I will tell you more
than that – make it PERSONAL! It is OK
to share that I had a crappy day yesterday and that I am preparing a surprise
party for my daughter (just make sure it goes both ways and that you don’t
overdo it of course).
I attended a pitch by multimillionaire Brad Sugars this past
week who shared a story about a waiter called Phil at a steak house in Vegas.
True, upscale and a large group around the table so a hefty bill but still. A
day after that dinner, Mr. Sugars received a hand written letter in his house
thanking him for dining there and for his business and hoping to see him again.
Signed by…”Your Waiter…Phil”.
I don’t remember the last time a waiter said thank you let
alone writing me a hand written letter. The point is that Phil made the dinner memorable,
made the customer feel important and personalized it. You can be certain that
Mr. Sugars is coming back to that restaurant, recommending it to his friends
and asking for….Phil!
Last week I added another customer to the Cornerstone family.
He called me and said:” Alon, we looked at another option but YOU and your
attitude made it easier for us to decide.
That’s what it’s all about!! Made my day!!
And on a personal note – make each and every one of your
customers feel like they are YOUR ONLY customer. Trust me, it works…both ways!
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